Monday, March 30, 2020

Nassau Tax Filing Period Extended Again

Nassau real estate tax filing period is now open until April 30, 2020.  You can imagine how high the real estate tax rates will be in the future.  Whether Nassau County will increase assessments is unknown but they will definitely have to increase real estate taxes because of all the extra money they are spending on the coronavirus.   That makes it even more important to file protests/complaints/grievances now to protect yourself. This is no time to be taking a chance.  You should have an experienced tax certiorari expert giving you advice and filing a protective grievance.  Keep safe, keep healthy!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Nassau County Taxes Going Up

As reported in Newsday, more than half of all Nassau County properties will see tax increases this year.  The re-assessment for 2020/21 was not done accurately and now many of the 2021/22 tax year assessments are increasing.  Since there are so many changes, Nassau extended the protest filing period until April 1st 2020 – that’s right April Fool’s Day.  As a result of this, you should have the new assessment checked by an experienced Tax Certiorari attorney to decide whether it is important to grieve the new assessment.  It is too late to complain about this year’s increase.  We are now filing complaints to the 2021 taxes!